Materials list
-Cellophane wrap
-Black thread
-Water + paint
-Plastic bowls
-Double sided tape
-Powder (Ginger)
Recyclable methods
Because cellophane isn’t a part of the plastic family it can’t be recycled although we have two options. Cellophane is bio-degradable which means we can bury it and it should dissolve into the ground within 90 days or we decided we could reuse the 5 metre cello wrap for future gifts and presents which is pretty handy considering cellophane goes great as covers for basket gifts and as filler for presents in a bag. For the black thread we thought we could reroll the long strips on an old pencil and reuse it to do minor stitch ups on clothes that might tear. We also thought of setting aside the paint water and letting the paint settle at the bottom of the bowls then emptying the water on some grass that isn’t near any drains. We bought the bowls brand new from spotlight which means we could possible sanitise the bowls and use them at home to eat with or to hold fruit. Lastly flour is an organic material which we could just spread on the grass with the paint water.